A member of the team will be available by phone, email or in person to veterans in crisis and will support and work with the veteran in an effort to rescue the veteran from self harm/ suicide. The team members mission is simply to save a veteran from suicide. Referrals may come from our local VSO, law enforcement or health care providers and even members of the public.

The team works quietly “behind the scenes” to provide confidential support to any veteran in need. Members names will be shared publicly to increase veteran and community awareness that a team is available to assist- but names of those who reach out or are referred will remain confidential unless the veteran wishes to share his/her story. Unless a team member believes otherwise, only one team member will be reaching out to the veteran in need.

There is no on call or regular office hours. Team members names and contact information remain in the VSO office, and the VSO simply reaches out to a team member to see if s/he is available to assist. If not, the VSO will reach to a different crisis response team member. Law enforcement can contact the VSO since s/he is usually available 24/7/365 to law enforcement or may call a team member direct in an active, immediate threat or crisis if the team members agree. Law enforcement, emergency responders including emergency room and doctor's office will be informed the team is available and will be encouraged to use them as a resource. The team will establish a process through which the community can request a members' assistance. The team may opt to release contact numbers or may work through the VSO office- it is a decision the team must make based on their review of community needs and best approach in the battle to prevent veteran suicide.

Research shows that combat veterans in the midst of crisis respond more quickly and are better able to pull away from suicide thoughts or actions with the support of a fellow soldier at his/her side. The bond between those who have served is strong, and the desire to fight to protect the man next to you cannot be denied. Those selected to serve on the team are considered elite veterans not just for their combat experience but for their ongoing support of fellow civilians, especially our veterans. In other words-they (you) never stopped serving.